Doo Group 成功收购两家于迪拜房地产监管机构(RERA)注册的房地产公司 
Doo Group 成功收购两家于迪拜房地产监管机构(RERA)注册的房地产公司 
Doo Group 成功收购了两家于迪拜房地产监管机构(RERA)注册的房地产公司,并增持迪拜 DMCC 牌照(牌照编号: DMCC-298623)和迪拜 DET 牌照(牌照编号:1172628),正式进军迪拜房地产市场,为全球客户拓展更多元的投资机遇。
Doo Wealth Signs MOU With Corpag To Signify Global Business Partnership  
Doo Wealth Signs MOU With Corpag To Signify Global Business Partnership  
Doo Group’s subsidiary company and a member of Wealth, Consulting Limited (Company Registration No. 2601567), is pleased to announce that it has successfully signed Memorandum Understanding (MOU) with Corpag Services (Asia) Ltd. ...
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