我们特此告知,商标 “DOO”和“DOO FINANCIAL”均为我们旗下的合法商标。再次强烈建议您保持警惕,并核实任何据称来自“Doo Group 实体” 的沟通或互动。
Doo Group’s affiliate, Doo Financial Celebrates A Grand ETF Listing Ceremony On The HKEX 
Doo Group 旗下子品牌 Doo Financial 成功举行香港交易所 ETF 上市敲钟仪式 
Doo Group 旗下子品牌 Doo Financial(公司实体名称﹕Doo Financial HK Limited,以下简称 Doo Financial )于 6 月 19 日荣幸举行了香港交易所(HKEX)的 ETF上市仪式。
Doo Financial 旗下实体公司成功注册为香港海关贵金属及宝石交易商 
Doo Financial 旗下实体公司成功注册为香港海关贵金属及宝石交易商 
我们很高兴地宣布,Doo Group 旗下品牌 Doo Financial 旗下的实体公司 Doo Metals HK Limited 通过了香港海关的资质认证,成功注册为贵金属及宝石交易商。
Doo Financial 荣获 iFast“全球金融服务杰出奖”,彰显卓越企业实力 
Doo Financial 荣获 iFast“全球金融服务杰出奖”,彰显卓越企业实力 
Doo Group 旗下的券商业务子品牌 Doo Financial 旗下的实体公司 Doo Financial Australia Limited 凭借过往一年中,在多元化金融服务领域取得的卓越成就和显著贡献,荣获了奕丰财富顾问大奖之“全球金融服务杰出奖”。
Doo Financial 旗下实体公司获批新加坡金融管理局颁发的资本市场服务(CMS)牌照   
Doo Financial 旗下实体公司获批新加坡金融管理局颁发的资本市场服务(CMS)牌照   
近日,Doo Financial 旗下实体公司 Doo Capital Market SG Pte. Ltd. 已正式获得新加坡金融管理局(MAS)颁发的资本市场服务(CMS)牌照(牌照编号:CMS101428)。
Doo Financial HK Limited 成功获发香港证监会(HK SFC)第 1 类证券交易牌照 
Doo Financial HK Limited 成功获发香港证监会(HK SFC)第 1 类证券交易牌照 
我们很高兴地宣布,Doo Group 子公司 Doo Financial HK Limited(中央编号:BSM562)成功获发香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(HK SFC,以下简称“香港证监会”)颁发的第 1 类(证券交易)牌照,使我们能提供更多元化的金融服务。
Doo Group’s Affiliate Doo Financial Purchases Professional Indemnity Insurance To Meet AFSL Obligations
Doo Group’s Affiliate Doo Financial Purchases Professional Indemnity Insurance To Meet AFSL Obligations
Recently, Doo Group's affiliate, Financial Australia Limited, has successfully purchased Professional Liability Indemnity Insurance (PII) from Lloyd's of London for its principal with a specific underwriter to meet obligations ...
Doo Group Continues Helping Students Achieve Higher Education Through Doo Bursary
Doo Group Continues Helping Students Achieve Higher Education Through Doo Bursary
It is graduation season once more, and Doo Group would like to take this opportunity congratulate all graduates for completing the study year. A big well done those who’ve come so far reach life achievement. Quality education integral in ...
Doo Financial Acquires An Insurance Broker Licensed Entity Regulated By The Hong Kong Insurance Authority
Doo Financial Acquires An Insurance Broker Licensed Entity Regulated By The Hong Kong Insurance Authority
Doo Group’s affiliate, Financial, embarks on a new milestone with the acquisition of Wealth Management Limited company (IA FB1823), now known as HK Limited. It is an insurance broker listed Register Licensed Insurance Intermediaries ...
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