The world-leading fintech broker, Doo Prime made a successful appearance in the largest B2B conference, the iFX Expo Asia 2022 held at Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World in Bangkok, Thailand from 14. September to 15. September, 2022.

The iFX Expo has been the forefront of the financial markets of Europe, Asia and the Middle East for over a decade. It is a summit for professional institutions, brokers, service providers, IBs, etc. in the fields of online trading, financial services and financial technology to gather and share cutting-edge information, establishing lasting partnerships and jointly promoting long-term developments of the financial industry. 

As expected, the event was a huge triumph – another step forward for Doo Prime’s growth in the global market. With more than 100 speakers and 4,000 attendees present, the expo was a hub of ideas and networking opportunities. The speakers brought personal insights from their respective fintech companies and start-ups, igniting fresh ideas into an ever-changing industry, such as “Technology of Tomorrow: Key Developments In Trading Tech” were among the eclectic conversation topics that took place.

Doo Prime Presents Solutions At iFX Expo Asia 2022

A team of handpicked experts were stationed at the booth where we exhibited our internationally recognized financial products and services, including our extensive products, ultra-low spreads, seamless executions and advanced trading tools.

“We are incredibly honored to be invited to the largest business to business event in Asia”, the Commercial Manager (SEA region) of Doo Group, Carlos Sheen added. “The most exhilarating moment for our team is that we’re able to proudly present the new trading technological applications and attractive partnership programs with our partners from all over the world that would lead to some exciting cooperative opportunities in the near future.”

Being one of the prominent exhibitors, Doo Prime showcased some of their extensive solutions and portfolio to esteemed guests which included regulated services with over 10,000 CFD trading products including Securities, Futures, Forex, Commodities, Precious Metals, and Stock Indices.

An eager participant shared: “Doo Prime was just introduced to me and it’s so impressive that it holds so many regulatory licenses under one roof. It’s a crucial factor for me to select a reliable partner.”

Meanwhile, we have also highlighted Doo Group’s diverse range of financial services and unparalleled partnership programs alongside various successful stories from our partners from across the globe. Doo Clearing (Doo Prime’s affiliate) was the patrons’ top choice as it offers a global Fintech-based provider that specializes in liquidity access.

Thanks to the world-leading technical support of Doo Tech (another Doo Prime affiliate), Doo Clearing’s clearing centers are deployed in Equinix® Hong Kong, London, New York and Singapore regions, enabling top-tier network services across the globe. In addition, Doo Tech has also established a partnership with Level 3 Communications, NTT, Cogent Communications, China Unicorn and China Telecom – international first-level backbone network service providers that support Doo Clearing’s advanced network architecture. The 256-bit asymmetric encryption for all inter-system communication also strictly ensures the security of Doo Clearing data. As a result, Doo Clearing has a top-notch infrastructure as an excellent guarantee for a quality trading environment.

Another visitor commented on the Group’s impressive technology, stating that “The adoption of new technologies from Doo Group is revolutionary to the industry. It creates greater efficiencies within the trading process, reducing the cost, speeds settlements and improves the overall user experience.”

Our exhibit also featured an on-site lucky draw event for the unknowing patrons throughout the event. Lavish prizes such as the new Apple Watch and Gold Bars were offered to a very engaging crowd.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the event as well as the organisers of the iFX Expo Asia 2022 for extending an invitation to us. We are profoundly grateful for being a part of such a grand event. And we look forward to seeing you in our future endeavors.

关于 Doo Group

Doo Group was established in 2014, currently headquartered in Singapore. After years of development, Doo Group has become a multi-faceted financial services group with financial technology at its core. With multiple sub-brands such as Doo Clearing Limited, Doo Financial, Doo Prime, FinPoints and more, Doo Group is committed to provide trading and asset management services for over 20,000 financial products such as Securities, Futures, Forex, CFDs and Funds to global individual and institutional clients.

截至目前,Doo Group 旗下的法律主体已受全球多家顶尖金融监管机构的严格监管,包括美国证券交易委员会(US SEC)和金融业监管局(US FINRA)、美国金融犯罪执法局(US FinCEN)、英国金融行为监管局(UK FCA)、加拿大金融交易和报告分析中心(CA FINTRAC)、澳大利亚证券与投资委员会(ASIC)、澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心(AUSTRAC)、新加坡金融管理局(SG MAS)、香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(第 1 、4、9 类牌照)、香港保险业监管局(香港保险经纪牌照)、香港公司注册处(香港注册信托公司)、香港公司注册处(信托或公司服务提供者牌照)、香港海关(香港金钱服务经营者牌照)、香港地产代理监管局(HK EAA)、迪拜房地产监管局(AE RERA)、迪拜经济和旅游部(AE PSP)、塞舌尔金融服务管理局(SC FSA)、马来西亚纳闽金融服务管理局(MY Labuan FSA)、毛里求斯金融服务委员会(MU FSC)、瓦努阿图金融服务委员会(VU FSC),并且在达拉斯、伦敦、新加坡、香港、悉尼、塞浦路斯、迪拜、吉隆坡、泰国、南非、埃及、塞舌尔、毛里求斯、瓦努阿图等地设有运营中心。



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Forward-Looking Statement


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Doo Group 根据 Doo Group 可用的所有当前信息以及 Doo Group 当前的期望、假设、估计和预测提供了这些前瞻性声明。尽管 Doo Group 认为这些期望、假设、估计和预测是合理的,但这些前瞻性陈述仅是预测,并且涉及已知和未知的风险与不确定性,其中许多是 Doo Group 无法控制的。此类风险和不确定性可能导致结果,绩效或成就与前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的结果大不相同。

Doo Group 不对此类陈述的可靠性,准确性或完整性提供任何陈述或保证,Doo Group 没有义务提供或发布任何前瞻性陈述的更新或修订。



在与 Doo Group 其旗下品牌交易平台进行任何交易之前,客户需确保已阅读并完全理解各自金融工具的交易风险。如果客户不了解任何与交易和投资有关的风险,则应寻求独立的专业建议。请参考 Doo Group 与其旗下品牌的客户协议和风险披露声明了解更多。


本信息仅供一般参考,仅供大众参考,不应被视为买卖任何金融工具的任何投资建议、推荐、要约或邀请。本文中显示的信息是在未参考或考虑任何特定接收者的投资目标或财务状况的情况下准备的。凡提及金融工具、指数或一揽子投资产品的过去表现,均不应视为其未来业绩的可靠指标。 Doo Group 与其旗下品牌、子公司、合作伙伴及其各自的员工、管理人员对所显示的信息不做任何陈述和保证,对于由于所提供信息的任何不正确和不完整所导致的任何直接、间接、特殊或后果性的损失或损害,Doo Group 与其旗下品牌、子公司、合作伙伴及其各自的员工、管理人员不承担任何责任。对于因任何与个人或客户投资相关的任何直接或间接交易或投资风险、损益,Doo Group 与其旗下品牌、子公司、合作伙伴及其各自的员工、管理人员不承担任何责任,且不负责任何个人或客户遭受与之相关的任何直接、间接、特殊或后果性损失或损害。