It is graduation season once more, and Doo Group would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all graduates for completing the study year.

A big well done to those who’ve come so far to reach this life achievement. Quality education is integral in the road to excellence – dedication and determination are required for the journey. Succeeding the study year is a monumental step.

We are proud to be a part of this joyous occasion, being able to make dreams come true for students through Doo Bursary.

We understand factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic might have affected education plans.

In addition, the pandemic has also affected the economy – making it difficult to find other financial resources to continue study. We acknowledge the hurdles faced by students to achieve what they hope for.

In realising this, we introduced the Doo Bursary – – a year ago in the pursuit to help alleviate financial burdens of students.

Doo Group has partnered with King’s College London, top 6 universities in UK, in order to fulfil student’s educational dream at King’s in all aspects of skill sets and industry.

Doo Bursary Is Aimed At Relieving Student’s Financial Difficulties, Providing Opportunity To Pursue Education At A Higher Level

We always believe that access to quality education is important as it can help to change a person’s life.

Doo Group strives to assist students regardless of their background. Hence, through Doo Bursary, a three-year Spend Down Funding, the students are able to focus on their education without having to worry about financial difficulties during their course.

The scholarship will support 10 first-year students who are undertaking their first undergraduate degree with a £3,000 cash bursary each, awarded over the three years they are at King’s College London.

We are able help to change one’s life and the world with one small step such as this.

“Invest in yourself. It cost me $100 to take Dale Carnegie course, and it changed my life. Nobody can take away what you’ve got in yourself – and everybody has potential they haven’t used yet. You have it the rest of your life,” said Warren Buffet, Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway, on Forbes.

A $100 course has changed Buffet’s life forever, enabling him to break through ceilings and open doors to greater abilities. Imagine the differences Doo Bursary can contribute to the life of the scholarship recipients.

An investment that goes into oneself could never be taken away, what better gift to give to these students? Hence, we are determined to help them to prepare to face the world, and in return, they can bring a huge positive impact to the community too.

“Once in your life, try something, work hard at something. Try to change. Nothing bad can happen,” said Jack Ma, co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group.

In essence, one should not be afraid of taking risk, seize every chance with the resources around you and make an achievement out of it.

Doo Group Strive To Provide More Opportunities For Aspired Talented Students In Pursuance Of Boundless Future

Everyone regardless of who they are could make the effort in contributing something good to the society.

Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to join us on this noble journey together in providing the future generations limitless opportunity for them to change their lives and the world.

We hope to bring more positive influence on the children and teenagers in the future by showing what we can contribute into easing their worries that might be hindering their studies.

Doo Group would like to wish all the students a hopeful and bright future.


关于 Doo Group

Doo Group 都会控股集团(以下简称 “Doo Group”)在 2014 年成立,现总部位于新加坡。经过多年的发展,Doo Group 已经成为一家以金融科技为核心的金融服务集团,拥有 Doo Clearing、Doo Wealth、Doo Financial、Doo Prime、Doo Academy、FinPoints 等多个子品牌,致力为全球各地的个人及机构客户提供超过 2 万个证券、期货、货币对、差价合约和基金等金融产品的交易经纪和资产管理服务。

Currently, the entities within Doo Group, according to their location and products, are regulated by many of the top global financial regulators, including, but not limited to, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA), Mauritius Financial Services Commission (FSC), and the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (SFC). Doo Group has entities operating in various global locations, including Dallas, London, Sydney, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur as well as other regions.




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新加坡办公室:+65 6011 1736

Email: [email protected]


Forward-Looking Statement

本文包含“前瞻性陈述”,并且可以通过使用前瞻性术语来识别,例如 “预期”、“相信”、“继续”、“可能”、“估计”、“期望”、“希望”、“打算”、“计划”、“潜在”、“预测”、“应该” 或 “将会” 或其他类似形式或类似术语,但是缺少此类术语确实并不意味着声明不是前瞻性的。特别是关于 Doo Group 的期望、信念、计划、目标、假设、未来事件或未来表现的声明通常被视为前瞻性声明。

Doo Group 根据 Doo Group 可用的所有当前信息以及 Doo Group 当前的期望、假设、估计和预测提供了这些前瞻性声明。尽管 Doo Group 认为这些期望、假设、估计和预测是合理的,但这些前瞻性陈述仅是预测,并且涉及已知和未知的风险与不确定性,其中许多是 Doo Group 无法控制的。此类风险和不确定性可能导致结果,绩效或成就与前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的结果大不相同。

Doo Group 不对此类陈述的可靠性,准确性或完整性提供任何陈述或保证,Doo Group 没有义务提供或发布任何前瞻性陈述的更新或修订。



在与 Doo Group 其旗下品牌交易平台进行任何交易之前,客户需确保已阅读并完全理解各自金融工具的交易风险。如果客户不了解任何与交易和投资有关的风险,则应寻求独立的专业建议。请参考 Doo Group 与其旗下品牌的客户协议和风险披露声明了解更多。  



本信息仅供一般参考,仅供大众参考,不应被视为买卖任何金融工具的任何投资建议、推荐、要约或邀请。本文中显示的信息是在未参考或考虑任何特定接收者的投资目标或财务状况的情况下准备的。凡提及金融工具、指数或一揽子投资产品的过去表现,均不应视为其未来业绩的可靠指标。 Doo Group 与其旗下品牌、子公司、合作伙伴及其各自的员工、管理人员对所显示的信息不做任何陈述和保证,对于由于所提供信息的任何不正确和不完整所导致的任何直接、间接、特殊或后果性的损失或损害,Doo Group 与其旗下品牌、子公司、合作伙伴及其各自的员工、管理人员不承担任何责任。对于因任何与个人或客户投资相关的任何直接或间接交易或投资风险、损益,Doo Group 与其旗下品牌、子公司、合作伙伴及其各自的员工、管理人员不承担任何责任,且不负责任何个人或客户遭受与之相关的任何直接、间接、特殊或后果性损失或损害。