2022 is destined to go down in history as a year of uncertainty on many fronts, posing many challenges to global financial markets. However, Doo Group has never stopped exploring. In times of complex and fast-changing environment, Doo Group welcomes its 8. anniversary.  

Embrace Endless EIGHT-citement 

As an innovative financial services group, Doo Group has always believed in the power of technology. It is the relentless pursuit of cutting-edge financial technology that has enabled Doo Group to achieve another new breakthrough on its 8. anniversary.  

By continuing to create a favorable investment environment for our clients, Doo Group achieved a monthly trading volume of over USD 100 billion in May. 

Our mission is to provide our clients with safe, reliable, professional and convenient trading brokerage and asset management services. It has been our key guide for the Group’s development since our founding in 2014. We are dedicated to riding the FinTech wave, and to building a globally integrated financial services system. 

To date, Doo Group has more than 500 employees in over 10 operating offices across the world, providing professional financial services to over 90,000 clients. 

Growing Stronger With Each Passing Day 

It is gratifying to see that Doo Group has been continuing to explore new opportunities in this challenging year and reaching new heights with new partners. 

In July this year, Doo Group’s affiliate Doo Financial, successfully acquired an insurance broker licensed entity regulated by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority (IA) along with the HK Insurance Broker License FB1823, the entity was renamed to Doo Wealth Management HK Limited. The successful acquisition has embarked a new milestone for Doo Group in the insurance industry.

In September, Doo Financial Australia Limited successfully purchased Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) from Lloyd’s of London for its principal with a specific underwriter, fulfilling its obligations as an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) licensee to provide trusted financial services to its customers. 

In addition to the financial sector, Doo Group has also entered the sports arena for the first time by becoming the official partner of Adelaide United Football Club (AUFC), showcasing our brand in the thrilling A-League Men matches. 

While expanding into new markets, Doo Group remains committed to social charity. This year, we continued to focus on children education by establishing a partnership with UNICEF Hong Kong, to support its “Schools for Asia” initiative.  

The initiative aims to provide children in less-developed regions with quality educational resources through distance learning programs. The purpose is to empower the next generation in Asia by achieving technology-enabled education.   

The world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old. With each passing day, Doo Group has been growing stronger with innovation.  

In the future, Doo Group will be discovering more possibilities of FinTech during our journey of exploration. We strive to ensure the safety of your funds, inject vitality into your investment and pave the way for your future wealth! 

We have been journeying together for the past 8 years. Doo Group would like to express our gratitude for the continuous support from our clients and partners. On this anniversary, Doo Group and our affiliates have planned a series of activities to celebrate this exciting event with you, so stay tuned! 


关于 Doo Group         

Doo Group was established in 2014, currently headquartered in Singapore. After years of development, Doo Group has become a multi-faceted financial services group with financial technology as its core. With multiple sub-brands such as Doo Clearing, Doo Financial, Doo Prime, FinPoints and more., Doo Group is committed to provide trading and asset management services for over 20,000 financial products such as Securities, Futures, Forex, CFDs and Funds to global individual and institutional clients.  

截至目前,Doo Group 旗下的法律主体已受全球多家顶尖金融监管机构的严格监管,包括美国证券交易委员会(US SEC)和金融业监管局(US FINRA)、美国金融犯罪执法局(US FinCEN)、英国金融行为监管局(UK FCA)、加拿大金融交易和报告分析中心(CA FINTRAC)、澳大利亚证券与投资委员会(ASIC)、澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心(AUSTRAC)、新加坡金融管理局(SG MAS)、香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(第 1 、4、9 类牌照)、香港保险业监管局(香港保险经纪牌照)、香港公司注册处(香港注册信托公司)、香港公司注册处(信托或公司服务提供者牌照)、香港海关(香港金钱服务经营者牌照)、香港地产代理监管局(HK EAA)、迪拜房地产监管局(AE RERA)、迪拜经济和旅游部(AE PSP)、塞舌尔金融服务管理局(SC FSA)、马来西亚纳闽金融服务管理局(MY Labuan FSA)、毛里求斯金融服务委员会(MU FSC)、瓦努阿图金融服务委员会(VU FSC),并且在达拉斯、伦敦、新加坡、香港、悉尼、塞浦路斯、迪拜、吉隆坡、泰国、南非、埃及、塞舌尔、毛里求斯、瓦努阿图等地设有运营中心。  


香港办公室:+852 6701 2091  

新加坡办公室:+65 6011 1736  

邮箱: [email protected]  



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