At the London Summit, our CEO was able to meet with many corporate partners, traders and brokers in person. In addition to the cosmopolitan environment, it was a valuable opportunity for us to gain a deeper insight and understanding of their respective needs and expectations when it comes to forex trading, software and services, enabling us to further attune our products to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of those we serve.

Doo Clearing, the liquidity provider subsidiary of Doo Holding Group, brings innovation to the market with its sizeable client base and ever-expanding international reach and product line. With over 4.1 billion USD in total trading volume in August, Doo Clearing has rapidly expanded its market share and reinforced its position as a considerable figure in the forex arena. At the London Summit, we featured our brokerage solutions including MetaTrader 4/MetaTrader 5 white label platform, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, our social trading platform Outrade, and our liquidity and payment software solutions. We also highlighted Doo Clearing’s advanced portfolio of forex solutions, which include its aggregated Direct Market Access (DMA) liquidity solutions, reliable 99.99% uptime ultra-low latency network, access and distribution, risk management system, reporting and health monitoring. Also of note was Doo Clearing’s record of transparency and compliance, most notably with its Financial Conduct Authority regulation clearance.

With over twenty years of experience in forex, our expert teams are based in financial centres globally, enabling us to provide clients with multi-lingual and 24/7 service.

About Doo Clearing

Doo Clearing limited – a UK-based Spot Forex and CFDs liquidity provider authorised and regulated by the FCA (FRN: 833414) to arrange and deal in Rolling Spot FX and Contracts for Difference (CFDs) with Eligible counterparties and professional clients. Doo Clearing offers a comprehensive liquidity clearing system that includes modules such as liquidity access, quotation aggregation, liquidity distribution, clearing account, risk management, reporting, and system health-level checking. 

For more information, please contact our expert support team:

London Office

Phone: +44 207 1128722

Email: [email protected]


Hong Kong Office

Phone: +852 9561 2013

Email:  [email protected]
